国際的優良施設WEO Centers of Excellence

WEOのCenter of Excellenceは世界中の内視鏡部門のうち、内視鏡診断・治療のクオリティに加え、専門知識豊富なスタッフ、国際的な消化器内視鏡教育への貢献度などにおいて優れている少数の施設に限られています。

Centers of Excellence

The committee identifies and gathers a group of endoscopic centers with an outstanding reputation in education within digestive endoscopy.

This group of centers from all over the world works closely with the organization in our mission to promote high quality endoscopy. The committee is responsible for selecting, recognizing and engaging these centers. The title is granted for each center for a period of five years, with possibility of renewal.

There are currently 21 WEO Centers of Excellence: